h-hewwo?! 6 mwonths is thwat u?

hey boy, u spent 6 months with me so this what u getting.


p-p-pwatonic boyfwiend! dwo wu dwouble twap wike mwe? when i'm on the woad wu cwan skwype mwe. i'll fowwow if wu fowwow mwe bwack, you're mwy wifi wifey. i knwow you're pawents dwont wike mwe ): and youre wex wanna fwight mwe, bwut wu cwan hwit mwe up on snwapchat, wu're mwy wifi wifey. thwankies for hwaving pwatonic mwoments with mwe before we stwarted dwating <3


you're mwy boyfwiend nwow! what's up, wiw mwamwa, was gwood? fowwow mwe bwack, yeah, i weally wish wu would. nwick bwean cowming stwaight to wur nweighborhwood. wu knwow i stway fwy wike a pwayer weally should. bwoy, if wu snwap mwe, ima snwap bwack. and i stway on wur mwind wike a snapbwack! <3 <3 thwank wu fwor bwecoming mwy boyfwiend!


OK LETS BE FR, enough of my crackhead antics or whatever i just had to let it all out ya know. ima now redirect you to your actual carrd where things bout to get sappy and real lovey really fast, thank you for reading through all of this, pls click the heart to be redirected.